Pada tahun 721 sebelum masehi, raja-raja orang-orang Ashur yang bernama Shalman Ashar telah menyerang kerajaan Israel dan berjaya menawan rajanya Husya' Bin Ilah. Kerajaan Israel merupakan sebahagian dari tanah kerajaan Ashur.
Pada tahun 608 sebelum masehi, kerajaan Mesir bersama bala tentera yang besar telah menyerang Palestin dan menawan kerajaan Yahouza. Dalam peperangan tersebut mereka mendapat kemenangan dan mereka meneruskan serangan ke utara sehinggalah kerajaan Israel yang berada di bawah taklukan kerajaan Ashur jatuh ke tangan mereka.
Kejatuhan kerajaan Israel ke tangan orang-orang Mesir telah menimbulkan kemarahan Maharaja Bakhtanshar lalu berlakulah satu pertempuran yang hebat di antara dua maharaja Mesir dan Babylon. Akhirnya Maharaja Bakhtanshar dapat menawan kembali kerajaan Israel sekaligus dapat merebut takhta kerajaan Yahouza dari tangan Maharaja Mesir. Maharaja Bakhtanshar telah membunuh raja kerajaan Yahouza yang terakhir bernama Sidqia dan menghancurkan bandar Aour Shyalim serta menghalau semua Bani Israel keluar dari negara mereka. Ini berlaku pada tahun 586 sebelum masehi dan mereka dikenali sebagai tawanan Babylon.
Selepas kehancuran kerajaan Israel dan Yahouza, tiada lagi mereka yang berketurunan Bani Israel di bumi Palestin. Pada tahun 538 sebelum masehi Kerajaan Babylon telah jatuh ke tangan orang-orang Parsi. Ketika itu Raja Parsi telah membenarkan orang-orang Yahudi yang hidup di pelusuk negara Babylon pulang ke tanahair mereka.
Kepulangan orang-orang Yahudi ke negara mereka di zaman pemerintahan Parsi tidak ubah seperti daripada kepulangan beberapa keluarga untuk menziarahi sanak saudara. Mereka lebih suka hidup di dalam buangan daripada kembali ke Palestin.
Mereka yang pulang dan menetap di Palestin telah bekerjasama dengan panglima Iskandar Al-Makdoni untuk menyerang Palestin dan menentang kerajaan Parsi. Selepas kewafatan Iskandar, Palestin diperintah oleh kerajaan Rom. Di sepanjang pemerintahan tersebut, Bani Israel bangkit memberontak pemerintah mereka sehinggalah pada tahun 70 masehi kerajaan Rom telah menghukum mereka dengan memusnahkan kediaman mereka dan menghalau mereka keluar dari Palestin.
Pada zaman pemerintahan kerajaan Rom ke atas Palestin, lahirlah seruan yang dibawa oleh Nabi Isa a.s untuk mengajak Bani Israel ke jalan yang benar akan tetapi seruan tersebut ditolak oleh mereka.
Pada tahun 135 masehi sekali lagi Bani Israel bangkit memberontak menentang kerajaan Rom. Di dalam pemberontakan tersebut, kerajaan Rom telah membunuh sesiapa sahaja yang mereka temui dari kalangan Bani Israel. Mereka yang terselamat dari penghapusan etnik kerajaan Rom telah lari ke serata dunia dan bumi Palestin telah sunyi daripada Bani Israel.
Ketika Saidina Umar r.a. membuka Baitul Maqdis pada tahun 636 m, tidak seorang pun yang berketurunan Yahudi berada di kota suci itu. Di antara syarat penyerahan kota suci ke tangan orang islam ialah tidak dibenarkan seorang pun orang Yahudi mendiami kota suci ini.
In Judaism, the name of God is more than a distinguishing title. It represents the Jewish conception of the divine nature, and of the relation of God to the Jewish people. In awe at the sacredness of the names of God, and as a means of showing respect and reverence for them, the scribes of sacred texts took pause before copying them, and used terms of reverence so as to keep the true name of God concealed. The various names of God in Judaism represent God as he is known, as well as the divine aspects which are attributed to him.
The numerous names of God have been a source of debate amongst biblical scholars — some have advanced the variety as proof that the Torah has many authors (see documentary hypothesis), while others declare that the different aspects of God have different names, depending on the role God is playing, the context in which he is referred to and the specific aspects which are emphasized.
Adonai, Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh, El, Elohim, Elyon,
Shaddai, Shalom, Shekhinah, Yah, YHWH Tzevaot/Sabaoth.
Adir — "Strong One".
Adon Olam — "Master of the World".
Avinu Malkeinu — "Our Father, our King".
Boreh — "the Creator".
#Ehiyeh sh'Ehiyeh —"I Am That I Am": a modern Hebrew version of "Ehyeh asher Ehyeh".
#Elohei Avraham, Elohei Yitzchak ve Elohei Ya`aqov — "God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob".
#El ha-Gibbor — "God the hero" or "God the strong one".
#Emet — "Truth".
#E'in Sof — "endless, infinite", Kabbalistic name of God.
#Ro'eh Yisra'el — "Shepherd of Israel".
#Ha-Kaddosh, Baruch Hu — "The Holy One, Blessed be He".
#Kaddosh Israel — "Holy One of Israel".
#Melech ha-Melachim — "The King of Kings" or Melech Malchei ha-Melachim "King of
Kings of Kings", to express superiority to the earthly rulers title.
#Makom or Hamakom — literally "the place", meaning "The Omnipresent"; see Tzimtzum.
#Magen Avraham — "Shield of Abraham".
#YHWH-Yireh (Yahweh-Yireh) — "The Lord will provide" (Genesis 22:13, 14).
#YHWH-Rapha" — "The Lord that healeth" (Exodus 15:26).
#YHWH-Niss"i (Yahweh-Nissi) — "The Lord our Banner" (Exodus 17:8-15).
#YHWH-Shalom — "The Lord our Peace" (Judges 6:24).
#YHWH-Ra-ah — "The Lord my Shepherd" (Psalms 23:1).
#YHWH-Tsidkenu — "The Lord our Righteousness" (Jeremiah 23:6).
#YHWH-Shammah — "The Lord is present" (Ezekiel 48:35).
#Tzur Israel — "Rock of Israel".
The words God and Lord (Adonai) are often written by many Jews as G-d and L-rd as a way of avoiding writing a name of God, as to avoid the risk of the sin of erasing or defacing the name. Any Hebrew name of God is forbidden to erase. In Deuteronomy 12:3-4, the Torah exhorts one to destroy idolatry, and from here it is understood not to erase the name of God. However, since this is in English, it is often considered unnecessary since only the Hebrew name is considered God's actual name, but since God is God's name in English, it is often done out of a side of respect and just an extra precaution. There is a dispute to the degree of holiness that the word "God" is. The common rabbinic opinion on whether this applies only to Hebrew names of God, or to the English word "God" as well is that "God" written in any language other than Hebrew, has no holiness and can be erased. So while considerd unnecessary, it is still often written with a hyphen as to give the Name proper respect. It is considerd necessary by some, a minhag (custom) by most, and not done at all by others. Most Orthodox Jews and many Jews in general will write G-d in this manner. The Orthodox Jewish information website,, uses God instead of G-d. They cite the reason that many users coming to the Aish HaTorah website are unfamilar with Judaism and would be initially unfamilar with the spelling G-d, so since it is not required that G-d is written, only preferred, they do not do it. According to their website, spelling it G-d is not according to halacha (Jewish law), so according to "leading Torah scholars", non-Hebrew names can be erased.[1] Other Jewish websites, such as, spell it G-d, and this is commonly found on most Jewish publications.
With writing on the computer screen, technically the words are actually
erased and rewritten 50 or 60 times a second ("refreshed").This is no
different to erasing the word God or shutting the computer off.
Nonetheless, many Jews still write G-d on the commputer as a sign
of respect,to demonstrate a reference to God is being made.-(ENCYCLOPEDIA)
Language Translation from Digital Inspiration
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